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News & Events


A man puts on his medical facemask.

Current pandemic rules and regulations: Changes and discontinuations

Starting April 2, 2022, the rules and regulations regarding the Corona virus pandemic changed. Read here, how this affects your lectures.

MBA student Yi Chen

China 2030: Low-cost supplier or innovative high-end provider?

In her master's thesis, our MBA student Yi Chen models four possible scenarios for the Chinese supplier market for commercial vehicle components up to…

Thu Thi Minh Nguyen

Advantage through Chinese mergers and acquisitions?

In her Master's thesis, our MBA student Thu Thi Minh Nguyen investigated the impact of M&A accounting on German companies. Her result comes to a…

Professor Fees and his Guestspeakers

International guest speakers

In the MBA-course of Prof. Dr. Fees “International Strategic Management” we had again international guest speakers. Prof. Dr. Roman Wong from our 貹…

Absolventen werfen Hüte in die Luft

Studying in Germany: Start Your Career in the Heart of Europe

A diverse economy with countless opportunities.

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A fresh start with the web relaunch

The new 鶹ýAV website for a better overview of the offer!


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